I never seem to get things just ... right.
I tried to update an image on my DeviantArt page, and ended up deleting it -- along with all the wonderful comments, encouragement, tips and other helpful remarks make by those that took time and effort to look at the damned thing for me.
I feel like a heel. On the upside, I got some input from someone to enable me to move the image, resize it, and eliminate the sketch lines in gray from the image. So, it's up and running as a nice B/W piece now, and it's finished (albeit it's not wonderful).
Thanks to any and all that saw the original, took time to comment, and gave me advice. I'm so sorry I lost those things.
And above all things, I hate stupidity. Yet we are close companions, he and I.
God bless, everyone. I'll update soon. And here's the new image: